Digital financial services ecosystem
We offer financial solutions and tools to people and companies, connecting the digital world with the real world.
Founded in

About Futswap®
Digital financial services platform that offers a variety of products such as:
Futswap® users can benefit from our integrated approach, which enables asset management and financial planning for individuals and for businesses.
- Trust account and digital asset management
- Payment processors
- Digital wallets
- Custodian
- Financial cards
Our global action
Our platform is useful for a wide range of businesses and companies.
We operate in +170 countries

Countries in which we do not operate:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cuba, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Albania, Kosovo, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Democratic Republic of Congo, Jordan, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Yemen, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, mainland China and Nepal.

Wallet NeoExchange
Having a NeoExchange wallet to exchange, buy and sell Crypto to Crypto | Fiat to Crypto | Crypto to Fiat in one tap, yes it is possible.
Why download our app?
- Ease and speed: Send, receive, store, exchange, buy and sell: Crypto to Crypto | Fiat to Crypto | Crypto to Fiat in one touch.
- Security: Decentralized wallet, only you are in control of your digital assets.

Futcard offers you secure off-ramps to convert your digital assets into fiat currencies quickly and easily.
Use your card anywhere in the world* and access your funds whenever you need them.
Premium consulting
We are committed to providing a superior level of support, offering market intelligence and advice on continuous improvement, compliance and regulatory issues.